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Here are two interviews of Mason students talking about their experience with social media and romantic relationships:

Interview with Harrison: 


What is your age?  20


What is your gender? Male


Has something on social media ever caused a fight in your relationship?

Yes, I posted something about my girlfriend on twitter during a fightbetween us, but I did not mention her name, and the quickly deleted it. But she said the damage was done and broke up with me over it.


Do you get jealous if your partner likes/comments on a certain person’s status/picture?

Yes, if it is someone they used to flirt with or date I do not want them commenting on or liking their status or pictures. 


Have you ever found out that your significant other has broken up with you over social media?



Has anything you’ve seen on a social media profile caused you to learn something new about your significant other? 

Yes, my girlfriend was hanging out with a guy and didnt tell me. I found out through social media by seeing a status my girlfriend posted and then the guy and her flirting back and forth in the comments. 


Do you think social media strengthens your relationship?

No, but it does not weaken it either


Has the conversation of becoming Facebook official changed the dynamics of your relationship?  If so how?

Yes, my previous girlfriend wanted to be facebook official and just kept asking until I said yes. I didnt think it was a big deal to be


Do you worry about who your significant other is private messaging on social media sites?

Not usually, only if they have done it before, or seem like they're hiding something then I would worry. 


Does your significant other use their social media profile to make you feel good?

Yes, sometimes. It is a different way to show their affection for me by posting a picture or a sweet status about me. 


Have your ever connected with someone through social media that led to a relationship?

Yes, through private messaging people would try and connect to me through twitter. 


Have you ever been “Catfished” on a social media site? ( Catfish: someone pretending to be someone they're not)




Interview with Brandon


What is your age? 24


What is your gender? Male


Has something on social media ever caused a fight in your relationship? Yes, I found out through a post that my current girlfriend was dating someone else which caused  a fight and breakup. 


Do you get jealous if your partner likes/comments on a certain person’s status/picture? No


Have you ever found out that your significant other has broken up with you over social media? No


Has anything you’ve seen on a social media profile caused you to learn something new about your significant other?

Yes, that my girlfriend was dating someone else besides me.


Do you think social media strengthens your relationship? No because you see things that  you don’t want to see about your significant other and you make not like it.


Do you worry about who your significant other is private messaging on social media sites? No, because I know that she has other friends and most of them are guys.


Have you ever connected with someone through social media that led to a relationship? Yes, through Facebook.


Have you ever been “Catfished” on a social media site?  (Catfish: someone pretending to be someone they're not)

Yes, I had this girl that I talked to on Facebook for over two years. Her name was “Stephanie” or so I think. She kept saying she was going to come up and visit and she never did. She would send pictures and sometimes we would text, but we never ended up meeting. I called her out on this and we just stopped talking. 



Interview with Justin:


What is your age?  24


What is your gender? Male


Has something on social media ever caused a fight in your relationship?

Yes, my ex-girlfriend sent me a friend request on Facebook after I had deleted her and she tried talking to me –it wasn’t anything serious but my girlfriend got pretty mad.


Do you get jealous if your partner likes/comments on a certain person’s status/picture? No, we have mostly all the same friends so I know everyone she talks to and I don't feel threatened.


Have you ever found out that your significant other has broken up with you over social media? No


Has anything you’ve seen on a social media profile caused you to learn something new about your significant other? No


Do you think social media strengthens your relationship? No


Has the conversation of becoming Facebook official changed the dynamics of your relationship? No


Do you worry about who your significant other is private messaging on social media sites? No


Does your significant other use their social media profile to make you feel good? Yes, by posting pictures with sappy captions about how good a boyfriend I am.


Have your ever connected with someone through social media that led to a relationship? No


Have you ever been “Catfished” on a social media site? No



Interview with Zhane:


What is your age? 21


What is your gender? Female


Has something on social media ever caused a fight in your relationship?

Yes, all the direct messagings (DM), liking inappropiate pictures, following people I don’t like


Do you get jealous if your partner likes/comments on a certain person’s status/picture?

Yes, if I don’t like them then why are you showing them attention?


Have you ever found out that your significant other has broken up with you over social media? No


Has anything you’ve seen on a social media profile caused you to learn something new about your significant other?

No, not anything I don’t already know


Do you think social media strengthens your relationship?

Yes, if used correctly you can strengthen your relationship. I think because everyone likes to be showed off, so if you show off your significant other it builds confidence and security in your relationship


Has the conversation of becoming Facebook official changed the dynamics of your relationship?



Do you worry about who your significant other is private messaging on social media sites?

Yes, especially on Snapchat, because there’s no trace of what people say


Does your significant other use their social media profile to make you feel good?

Yes, when we argue he would put a picture up saying how much he loves me and it makes me feel better


Have your ever connected with someone through social media that led to a relationship?

Yes, Facebook. You get to know more about them rather than just looking at pictures on Instagram or Snapchat












Written Interviews on Social Media Interactions and Romantic Relationships 

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