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Jealousy is something almost every couple deals with, however after our research, it is clear social media increases jealousy among partners.


  • Social media adds another element to a relationship where almost everything about your life is documented which easily creates conflicts in a relationship because of jealousy, insecurities and trust issues. 


  • In a 2009 survey of college age students, people who spent more time on social media had higher rates of jealousy in their romantic relationships than people who spent less time on social media.


  • Things about a partner's past can be found on social media as well which creates more room for jealousy in the relationship 


  • In another survey of college aged students, 14% admitted to checking their partners social media at least twice a day. This shows a lack of trust in a relationship which builds off of jealousy. 


Conclusion: Social media allows for new aspects of jealousy to form in a relationship, as well as cause existing problems with jealousy and trust  in a relationship to increase. 

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